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The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

2016.03.08 【受章:北條助教】Excellent Poster Award(第8回武田科学振興財団薬科学シンポジウム)

武田薬品工業研修所 (吹田) で1月21~22日に開催されたthe 8th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on PharmaSciences titled “Biomolecule-Based Medicinal Science: Featuring Mid-Size Drugs”(邦題:生命分子から薬を創る〜中分子を中心に)において、薬学部の北條恵子助教(薬品化学研究室:津田裕子教授)が武田科学振興財団褒賞金(Excellent Poster Award)を受賞し、表彰状と褒賞金が贈呈されました。








Title: Design, Synthesis and Biological Activity of Stapled Single Chain Peptide Agonist for the Relaxin-3 Receptor
Authors: Keiko Hojo1, Ross AD Bathgate2, Sherie Ma2, K Johan Rosengern3, Andrew L Gundlach2, Mohammad A Hossain2,4 and John D Wade2, 4
1Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
2Florey Neuroscience Institute and Mental Health, University of Melbourne
3School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland
4School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne 



