Message from the Dean

Katsutoshi Yayama Dean,
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cultivating pharmacists who can contribute to the community
Thank you for visiting our home page. Visitors to this page probably have an interest in becoming a pharmacist by studying at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kobe Gakuin University.
So far, have you thought about the medicine? Perhaps you have taken the medicine when you had a headache, fever, or stomachache. Have you ever been vaccinated? Vaccines are also the medicine. Most people benefit from the medicine.Pharmaceutical Sciences that you may be considering as an option for your future cultivates pharmacists as professionals who deal in medicine.
After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, you will be eligible to take the National Pharmacist Examination to become a pharmacist.
Pharmacists working at drugstores dispense the medicine according to prescriptions issued by doctors. When they hand out medicine to patients, they check whether symptoms are getting better, whether the patient is taking the medicine as prescribed, and for any side effects.
Pharmacists working at hospitals operate as members of a medical care team, preparing medications and injections, explaining to patients how to take drugs, and providing feedback to doctors about whether medicine is working and the occurrence of any side effects.
In addition, it is also active in research and development at pharmaceutical companies and other enterprises, as well as food manufacturers.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kobe Gakuin University focuses on equipping pharmacists with “science underpinned by expertise rich in humanity” in the school’s liberal climate. The University offers all of the facilities needed as you learn, and the campus on which the Kobe Gakuin University is situated has been selected as the most picturesque campus surrounded by sea.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kobe Gakuin University. Practices empathetic education, where close relationships are fostered between students and teachers. Students in different years of study get along with each other well, both in liberal learning and club activities.
Kobe Gakuin University has already produced numerous graduates who have established themselves in active roles at hospitals, dispensing pharmacies, and enterprises.
If you are interested in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kobe Gakuin University., please come, see, and experience it during an open campus event.
Campus life here will be a truly formative experience. You are making a tremendous impact not only in our communities, but also for the college. I hope you enjoy it!
With warmest regard,
Katsutoshi Yayama, Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Phi-rabbit (goes by “Phi-rab-kun”) is the mascot of Kobe Gakuin University’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
It is a personification of a rabbit as a lab animal, with the addition of strength and development in place of vulnerability.
“Phi” (Φ) includes the initial “Ph” from pharmacy.
A rabbit’s foot is a good luck charm abroad—our rabbit character represents good luck as well as power.
Together with Phi-rab-kun, let’s move forward to the future with pride.
(From the words of Chikataro Kawasaki, first Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Aim of Education and Research
School Regulations of Kobe Gakuin University (Excerpt)
Article 2-7 The aim of education and research (hereinafter referred to as “aim” in this Article) at each faculty or department as defined in Article 2 is as follows:
(7) The aim of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to guide students toward a mastery of the knowledge and techniques necessary for a pharmacist as a medical practitioner.
The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to bring up bachelors of pharmaceutical sciences with problem-solving abilities that meet the medical needs of society with sophisticated specialized expertise and skills.
Admission Policy
Kobe Gakuin University screens and accepts applicants that meet the following criteria:
- Prospective student has the knowledge and basic academic ability required for learning after admission. Prospective student understands the contents of Japanese,athematics, science, foreign language, and other subjects in the high school curriculum, and has the level of knowledge of a high school graduate. (Knowledge and comprehension)
- Prospective student can think logically from different perspectives. (Thinking and judgment)
- Prospective student can accurately articulate and communicate their thoughts to others. (Articulation)
- Prospective student has a deep interest in issues in the fields of diseases, pharmaceuticals, the natural environment, and treatment of patients, and is motivated to actively contribute to society. (Interest and motivation)
- Prospective student has the attitude to try to develop a mutual understanding with others through dialogue. (Attitude)
Curriculum Policy
The curriculum is formulated based on Kobe Gakuin University’s diploma policy and with the aim of developing highly competent pharmacists who can contribute to society, which is the Faculty’s educational goal.
- To cultivate rich humanity, a strong sense of ethics, and a broad range of knowledge along with a sense of mission and responsibility to protect human lives and healthy living, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides common educational courses, lecture courses such as Introduction to Pharmacy, Medical Ethics, Communication, Pharmacy in Medical Treatment, and Pharmacy in Society, as well as experimental and exercise courses such as Early Exposure to Pharmacy, Experimental Course I, and Practice and Discussion I.
- To allow students to acquire the basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the characteristics of chemical substances, etc. including pharmaceuticals, their actions and impacts on living organisms and the environment, human anatomy and its functions, and the development of diseases, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides physical pharmacy courses (Physical Chemistry, Medical Analytical Chemistry, etc.), chemistry courses (Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, etc.), and biopharmaceutical courses (Molecular Cell Biology, Physiology, etc.) as lectures, and experimental and exercise courses such as Experimental Course I, II, and III and Practice and Discussion I, II, and III.
- 3.To enable students to use the basic knowledge they have learned and to acquire specialized knowledge about pharmaceuticals and pharmacological therapy, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides lecture courses such as Pharmacology, Clinical Symptoms and Laboratory Data, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, Biopharmaceutics, Physical Pharmaceutics, Dispensing Pharmacy, and Clinical Pharmacy, and experimental and exercise courses such as Experimental Course III, Practice and Discussion III, Experimental Course IV, and Preparation for Hospital and Community Pharmacy Practices.
- To enable students to understand the background of each patient, foster deep mutual understanding with different professions, actively cooperate and coordinate, and acquire practical skills to act as a pharmacist, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides lecture courses such as Medical Ethics, Communication, Pharmacy in Medical Treatment, and Pharmacy in Society, and experimental and exercise courses such as Elective Course Group A (Interprofessional Education), Experimental Course I, Experimental Course IV, Preparation for Hospital and Community Pharmacy Practices, Community Pharmacy Practices, and Hospital Practices.
- To equip students with the ability to practice pharmaceutical control, which includes understanding each patient’s condition, collecting and using necessary information, and performing and evaluating safe and effective pharmaceutical therapy by applying specialized knowledge, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides lecture courses such as Drug Information and Clinical Pharmacy, and experimental and exercise courses such as Experimental Course IV, Preparation for Hospital and Community Pharmacy Practices, Community Pharmacy Practices, Hospital Practices, and Elective Course Group B (Practical Medical Care Pharmaceutical Exercises).
- To equip students with the ability to contribute to the improvement of people’s health and public health, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides lecture courses such as Hygienic Pharmacy and Pharmacy in Society, and experimental and exercise courses such as Experimental Course I and III, Practice and Discussion III, Preparation for Hospital and Community Pharmacy Practices, Community Pharmacy Practices, and Hospital Practices.
- To equip students with the ability to notice and discuss issues surrounding medical care and to contribute to solving such issues, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides experimental and exercise courses such as Experimental Course I through IV, Practice and Discussion I through III, Graduation Study I through III, and Elective Course Group C (Advanced Courses).
- To cultivate interest in and motivation to learn progressive medical care, as well as an attitude of life-long self-improvement, in students, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides lecture courses such as Advanced Medical Care and Clinical Pharmacy III and experimental and exercise courses such as Graduation Study I through III and Elective Course Group A (Learning from Foreign Pharmacists).
Diploma Policy
Kobe Gakuin University practices the founding philosophy of “shinri-aiko kosei-soncho ( love of truth and respect for individuality)”. Through learning and the pursuit of knowledge, we aim to experience the joy thatcomes with acquiring the wisdom offered by universal academic systems, and to discover the individualities of ourselves and others, and develop respect for bothin the process. As our educational goal, Kobe Gakuin University aims to turn out autonomous, sensible members of society that are well rounded. Additionally, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to guide students toward a mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary for a pharmacist as a medical practitioner. The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to cultivate bachelors of pharmaceutical sciences with problem-solving abilities that meet the medical needs of society with sophisticated and specialized expertise and skills. Kobe Gakuin University grants degrees to students that have acquired the following basic qualities, attitudes, and abilities through the curriculum for achieving the goals:
- As medical care providers, students have good ethics, are well rounded, and have attained a broad range of knowledge, together with a sense of mission and responsibility to protect human lives and healthy living.
- As scientists, students have mastered the basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the characteristics of chemical substances, etc. including pharmaceuticals, their actions and impacts on living organisms and the environment, human anatomy and its functions, and the development of diseases.
- As professionals of medicine, students have specialized knowledge of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical therapy.
- As medical care providers, students have the practical skills necessary to act as a pharmacist while understanding the background of each patient, fostering deep mutual understanding with different professions, and providing active cooperation and coordination.
- As pharmacists, students have the ability to practice pharmaceutical control, which includes understanding each patient’s condition, collecting and using necessary information, and performing and evaluating safe and effective pharmaceutical therapy.
- As members of the medical community, students have the ability to contribute to the improvement of people’s health and public health.
- As medical care providers, students have the ability to notice and discuss issues surrounding medical care and to contribute to solving such issues.
- As pharmacists, students have a ceaseless interest in and motivation to learn progressive medical care, as well as an attitude of life-long self-improvement.
History of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1966 | Approval given for the establishment of Kobe Gakuin University. |
1972 | Opened the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Biopharmacy in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
1977 | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ first U.S. training seminar. |
1979 | Opened the Graduate School of Food and Medicinal Sciences (Doctoral Program). |
1982 | Built the Medicinal Botanical Garden. |
2006 | Revised the number of years of study at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences to 6 years. |
2007 | Opened the Port Island Campus and relocated the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
2012 | Opened the Major in Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctoral Program). |
2016 | 50th anniversary of Kobe Gakuin University. |